Shop and Pay for Classes
This is where you can pay for classes or find my Etsy shops! Scroll past the classes to find my Etsy shops. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to send me an email!
Payment Options:
To pay with a credit card scroll down to the class you want to pay for and click the button to be taken to a Square checkout link.
To pay with Paypal, click the purple button to be taken to a link. (You have to enter the amount to send.) Please make sure you take currency conversions into account. I get paid in USD.
To pay with Venmo, Zelle, or Facebook Pay, send an email to or go through the contact page and I will send you that information.
To send a me a little tip, click the “buy me a coffee” button below! Never required, but always appreciated!
***Are you a brand new student?*** If yes, please contact me before paying for classes! This way I can tell you when the best day to start your chosen class will be (if we are currently in the middle of a project).
Where to buy originals:
You can contact me directly to discuss purchasing a piece. Use the contact form on the contact page.
Sold Paintings:
Any title listed here has already been sold. However, prints are still available for purchase.
Reflections (?)